Sunday, December 16, 2007

WGME - Channel 13 - Unbelievably bad technical expertise

It happened again tonight, at 8:20 pm. I switched on the TV and channel surfed my HD channels (which I get for free over the air) and low and behold, the only television show available in HD was “The Ghost Whisperer” and low and behold, it wasn’t in High Definition.
As ususal; it’s quite routine by now; I called WGME and told them that their broadcast of “The Ghost Whisperer” was not coming through in high definition. I knew full well that they forgot to “flip the switch”. You see, I’ve done this before.

As I was placed on hold for a few minutes, I watched the picture and all of a sudden, it flickered for a millisecond and started coming out in high definition.

The gentleman I was speaking to came back and I immediately said “Well, you’re all set, it’s coming out in HD” and he said something like “oh good, it is”. And I said “yes, you must have “flipped the switch again” and he said “yes, we flipped the switch” and apologized.

I said “Oh, that’s OK, I’m just getting a little tired of calling to let you know there’s a problem”. He said “oh, has this happened before”. And I said “it happens all the time and not just to you, but to the other Portland stations as well, but thank you and have a good night”. He was very pleasant, this guy, but really would not have understood why I was upset. He’s not part of the problem.

It is simply unbelievabe to me that I, as a regular joe who has no experience in broadcast television, needs to call my local affiliate to tell them that their HD feed is not working and to ask them to flip the switch. It is ridiculous.

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