Thursday, January 3, 2008

WMTW - Channel 8 loses its HD broadcast yet again.

Tonight, Thursday, (January 3) I was flipping through the channels and saw Grey's Anatomy. I immediately noticed that it was not in HD so as usual I called the station and talked to a very nice young woman who knew why I was calling as soon as I started to speak.

She was very nice and though the problem was with the network feed but I did not really think that this was the problem. I saw my picture change slightly as she was switching the input on her end from regular to HD and nothing was happening on my end except a quick flicker. She said she would look into it and thanked me for calling.

Within just a minute or two, the show was back on in HD.

This would be the second time this week that one of our representatives (from the Maine HDTV Forum) called WMTW to point out a high definition problem.

I have written to WMTW in hopes of establishing a better set of checks and balances for the HD signal going out over the wire or airwaves.

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