Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Maine HDTV blog is not for sale

I started this blog more than 3 and a half years ago. It actually started on another blogging site and I moved it here to Blogspot in December 2007.

At that time, before the transition to digital, there was so little information out there explaining EXACTLY what was going on with the transition, and how it affected each of us. I decided to focus on Southern Maine where I live and began doing lots of research. This blog has grown more than I ever imagined. I receive comments and emails from all over the country and have had inquiries from as far away as the U.K. One of best things that ever happened to me on this journey was meeting up with Doug Finck (of WPME and WPXT). I have never met him in person or talked to him on the phone. But we have had many "conversation" by email and he has taught me a lot. He has supported my efforts more than anyone I know. Secondly, a guy from my cable company (who shall remain nameless) has provided me with lots of insight and information. Along the way there have been a few others who supported what I was trying to do - give out as much information as possible to the public so they understand what digital and HD TV are all about - and have helped me where ever possible.

I have had several offers from people who wanted me to link to their site. Some of them have offered money and some have just blatantly tried to fool me into thinking they are legit. I made a decision a long time ago that this blog would never be about money. I have not earned one dime and don't ever intend to. Information should be free.

I guess I am writing all of this because I am appalled at a woman who contacted me recently. It was actually the second time she tried to contact me and "innocently" asked if I would link to her site because she had "an article that would be of interest to my readers". Her site is nothing more than one of those blogs that exists only to promote advertising and sales of television-related products. I don't know if I'm more pissed at what that blog stands for, or that someone thinks I am stupid.

About a year ago, I had an offer from a company out of Boston who wanted to pay me if I posted articles on my site that related to their products. In essence, they would write the articles and use hyperlinks in those articles that linked to their site. They sold HDTV mounting equipment and all kinds of HDTV accessories. I have to say I did consider it. For about a day or so I gave it some serious thought. But I realized that I would be a sellout and that I would lose control of what this blog was all about - the freedom to exchange and share information about HDTV and television in general in Maine. I have always wanted, and continue to want, this blog to be a place where people connect to talk about HDTV in Maine.

I often comment about things that fall outside that mission, but I try to keep it poignant.

I have absolutely no problem or issue with anyone who wants to link to my site, or mine to theirs, if they have the same set of operating standards that I have. But to those of you with ulterior motives - please knock it off.

And thank you to my loyal readers who are just trying to get their HDTVs to work without paying anyone a lot of money. Keep those comments and ideas coming. I get lots of email directly that never gets posted on the blog. Mostly because it is a lot of work to transfer all of that detail to the blog and I can only devote so much time (I have other blogs too), but also because the email is usually a very specific question or problem.

Not much "new" is happening n the world of HDTV. Yes, there are new TVs with new features and that sort of thing. But right now, we're waiting for the TV world to catch up with what the viewers want - all HDTV - all the time. It will still be a while before Maine's local TV stations are broadcasting the local news in HDTV, and it will still be a while before everything they broadcast is in HD. So there is still lots to keep track of, to celebrate, and to complain about; and I promise I will.

If anyone would like to contribute an article on this site. Please feel free to contact me at

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