Sunday, December 16, 2007

High Definition is taking off like a shot!

When I started this blog a few month’s ago, it was actually part of another blog I wrote that involved current events, pop culture, and my personal opinion on these issues as well as the media.

I soon realized that the need for a blog dedicated specifically to High Definition was evident. Since I live in Southern Maine, I started to write the HDTV Maine Forum from that perspective but since the principles discussed apply to anyone in the U.S., I have received quite a bit of traffic on my site. I do discuss topics that pertain to specific Maine over-the-air broadcast stations, but also include general information about High Definition, how it works, how you can make it work for you, etc.

I can’t be more thrilled and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the visitors who have gained knowledge and insight from this Blog. Most people don’t leave a comment and let me know they stopped by but I can see the stats that reflect the actual traffic and I am truly amazed.

I hope that all of my visitors learn something from my Blog. To those in Southern Maine, there is probably a lot more in here for you. But anyone who visits is encouraged to leave me a note that you stopped by, or, if you have specific questions that are not addressed, or topics you would like more detail on, please feel free to let me know. My best day ever so far was about 130 visitors which is quite a few for a small blogger like me.

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