Sunday, February 24, 2008

Using An Antenna to get High Definition is very frustrating

Well it was just yesterday that I was patting myself on the back. After months of trial and error, emphasis on error, I had finally found one spot, just one exact, specific location in my apartment, where I could place my VHF/UHF antenna and receive every possible channel available to me. That means all the High Definition channels available as well as other just plain digital channels and some much farther away from me than I ever thought I would be able to reach.

So this morning I get up and proudly turn on my HDTV. With a huge sigh, I noticed that my ABC channels (8.1 and 8.2) were not coming in. I checked the signal and it was down to zero. My CW channel was also not coming in.

The only thing that I could conceive of that would explain this? Sabotage!! No I'm just kidding. I actually believe that based on my experience, it has something to do with the time of day. I am no radio wave expert but I think that television signals can be affected by the curvature of the earth, the angle of the sun, and location of the moon, all of those celestial things that cable is not affected by simply because the receiving devices used for cable are so incredible powerful that they are not affected by such trivial matters.

So I will wait again, tonight. I will try not to fiddle around with my antenna all day thinking I must have gotten the position wrong, or maybe my antenna shifted without me realize it. But I don't want to waste my afternoon doing that. It's Sunday afternoon and there is nothing on TV anyway. I'll keep you posted (no pun intended) on whether or not the time of day makes a difference in the channels I am able to receive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I build my antenna from a beer can and it just works:

I think it's entirely dependent on your location, not that much on antenna itself. I got couple of guys from Toronto reporting that they managed to get some HDTV on a paperclip antenna.