Friday, February 1, 2008

Digital TV Conversion - basic cable with no cable box is OK

I have finally been able to confirm some good news. Whether or not cable (or satellite) subscribers have a cable or set-top box, you should still be OK after the conversion to digital on 2/17/09.

Here are the details:

Many of us plug the coax cable from the cable company directly into the back of our TVs without the use of a cable box. We also might connect the cable from the wall into our VCRs first and then from the VCR, connect a coax to the TV. This setup works great and has for years. It especially works well if you want to watch one program and tape another. I know it is old school but I used this system for years it was alwasy reliable.

With digital (and of course HD) television, questions arose as to whether or not the setup described above would still be viable after the conversion to complete digitial broadcast TV after 2/17/09. I have confirmed with my contacts in the Television and Cable insustry that it will work but you need to keep in mind a few things.

You won't be receiving digital TV, the coax cable going to your home will carry the analog signal so in essense, nothing will change for you. If you want to watch digital programming you will have two choices: first, make an investment in a digital TV and subscribe to digital cable. Second, you could get a UHF/VHF antenna to receive your local TV stations in digital/HD and switch between the two inputs depending on what you want to watch. You would only be able to received analog cable channels 2-99 (maximum), but that is what most people with "extended" basic cable get now.

So the bottom line is that you won't lose your signal on your old analog TV. You won't be using up-to-date technology but at least you won't have any outlay of cash to just keep things pretty much the way they are now. I was concerned that somehow in all of this, the consumer would end up being forced to spend more money than they do now to receive their cable services.

There are, of course, ways to start using current technology for your TV watching, all of which are covered on this blog, and all will require some investment, but if you want reassurance that you won't lose your signal after 2/17/09, it look like you will be OK.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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