Friday, March 14, 2008

ION Network proves their commitment to customers again

If you read down a bit, I wrote an article about the ION Network a few days ago. I touted the network as being so professional and thorough.

I had a problem again last night with receiving the ION network broadcasts from their Concord, NH, tower. I left a message on the telephone number they provided to me (the last time) if I had any future problems.

I received a call from Paul Strieby, one of the technical experts at ION for my area. We had a long conversation about ION, digital TV, High Definition TV, and what is happening in the TV industry in general.

The problem with the ION tower was already fixed by the time Paul called me. But, I thoroughly enjoyed talking with Paul, who took me at face value; an average consumer not in the TV industry, who actually knows what he is talking about.

I wish that all TV Networks and local affiliate TV stations treated outsiders who do understand digital TV and High Definition TV with as much respect as Paul and the other folks at ION.

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