Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Maine Public Broadcasting Network - back in HD

We had thought that MPBN was slipping towards the forefront of high definition programming in Maine. However, lately, programs that we recall used to be in HD, were no longer in HD. So we wrote to the customer service area of MPBN and asked what was going on.

Apparently, due to some technical issues, MPBN decided not to broadcast in HD during their March pledge break. I don't think we understand the technical issues behind this but we were assured of two things.

First, after tomorrow, the last day of the pledge break, MPBN will be back in HD not only for the programs fed to them from the network, but shows originally broadcast in HD and replayed later. Thus, this confirms that MPBN can record and playback high definition TV shows.

Secondly, the next pledge break later this year will not have the same effect on their ability to broadcast in HD as this last pledge break.

So going forward, MPBN should be all set and back on the winning side of the HD competition.

We, at the Maine High Definition Forum, congratulate them on their hard work and technical achievements.

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