Monday, August 25, 2008

ABC News finally rolls out High Definition

ABC already uses high definition for some prime time shows and in its morning lineup of Good Morning America and The View. But World News Tonight (the evening newscast) and Nightline (ABC's late night news magazine) have been left, until now, in the dirt when it comes to HD.

Now according to Glen Dickson on the "Broadcasting & Cable" web site, on Aug. 25 (that's today!), "World News with Charles Gibson and Nightline will start broadcasting in 720-line progressive (720p) HD, first from the Democratic National Convention in Denver, then from the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul the following week."

"Additionally, during the week of September 8, news magazines 20/20 and Primetime, as well as the weekend editions of World News, will also make their HD debuts."

To me, this is exciting news (no pun intended). It is great to see more HD programming come on board and I hope more and more networks, both broadcast and cable, will follow suit.

One more programming note: this is the first time that all of the big 3 networks will be broadcasting the Democratic and Republican Conventions in High Definition.

So it's good for the political junkies as well as the HD junkies out there.

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