Sunday, August 24, 2008

Face the Nation on CBS goes High Def

I'm not sure when it happened. It must have been shortly after the CBS Evening News. This morning as I surfed the Sunday political talk shows I noticed that Face the Nation was in high definition.

The CBS Evening News changed to high definition on July 28, 2008, making only the second (after NBC) national network evening news program to do so. Why ABC has not followed suit, I have no idea. ABC's other news division programs like "Good Morning America" and "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" are in high definition. But others news programs like "Prime Time" and "Nightline" are not.

This disparity between what is in HD and what is not is confusing to me. CBS's morning show isn't in HD but the competition is. ABC's evening news isn't in HD but the competition is. I know that it is more expensive to produce shows in High Definition. But why some shows and not others.

I thought it was about ratings and revenue but are more people watching "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" than "Meet the Press" which isn't in high def. I doubt it. Plus, if a show is in high definition, it is more likely to get a ratings boost because those of us with HD TVs are more likely to watch a show that is in HD rather than one which is not.

My whole point in writing this article is to first, congratulate CBS on moving "Face the Nation" to high def, and second, to urge everyone in the business of producing television shows to do it in high definition.

The public is spending money on HDTVs and HD services to bring High Definition into our homes. We've proven our commitment to High Definition. Now it is the networks turn, both off air and cable/satellite, to step up to the plate.

Remember the old expression "I want my MTV"? Well, I want my HDTV!

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