Tuesday, January 15, 2008

QVC may be misleading viewers on High Definition

I find it hard to believe that QVC and its staff does not understand the subtle nuances of Digital TV and High Definition TV. Below is a letter I wrote to the show host regarding a JVC LCD HDTV. I chatted online with a customer service representative before I sent this email. I was trying to get a general email address that I could write to so that I could have proof that I sent the email. I really do not like email systems on web sites where you can send them an email through some sort of user interface, but you never know what address you are sending your email to and you can't copy yourself in. If I could just do a straight "send" from my own email account, then I would have the proper audit trail. I suspect that QVC and others all operate behind this curtain for a reason. So here's the email sent at 3:10 AM, January 15, 2008.

To: d_king@qvc.com,
date: Jan 15, 2008 3:10 AM
subject: High Definition Television
mailed-by gmail.com

Dave, I am writing to your as I could not find an email address for the management at QVC

At about 2:40 AM on Tuesday, Jan 15, 2008, I was watching a demo for the JVC 42 inch HDTV. You stated to the viewers that they should purchase this product because as of February 2009, all programming will be in High Definition.
I don't know if it was intentional or no, but that statement is a blatant lie. I do apologize for the strong language but could not think of another word that applies. As of February 17, 2009, all high-powered over-the-air broadcast television must be in digital format.

I will explain further. First there is a big difference between digital TV (DTV - which is what is being regulated by the FCC) and High Definition TV (HDTV). HDTV is not mandated by the FCC only that the broadcast be in digital format. Further, the rule only applies to high powered over-the-air television. Cable-only, or satellite-only programming is NOT included in the mandatory conversion to digital. You need DTV to get HDTV but you don't need HDTV to be have DTV.

I am the creator/owner of a web site which deals with high definition and digital TV issues. I need to point out the this type of information is typical of the type of information that the public hears and then visits sites like mine to have it all explained. Since QVC itself is converting the HD this spring, I am sure that QVC is fully aware of the FCC rules surrounding digital TV, HDTV, and broadcast versus cable TV. I find it irresponsible of QVC to make sure your hosts are not aware of the differences. It would also be irresponsible if QVC was well aware of the differences relating to the conversion to digital TV and is intentionally misinforming the public so that they will buy more product.

This may sound trivial to some but it really is not. The public is already confused enough about HDTV, DTV and this "conversion" to Digital that they have started to hear about. Especially when so many our there are now saying things like "you might even need a new TV because yours won't work". There is so much bad information out there that I believe it is the responsible of anyone associated with the broadcasting industry to be well aware of this issues. There is a wealth of good information out there starting the the FCC web site itself. I am a lay person who has no affiliation with television broadcasting or television products. I am just a consumer who has done A LOT of research and home work to figure this whole thing out. So I would assume that people in the inudstry would have access to better information than I.

I would really appreciate a response from you or the QVC management to address this issue. I will be including the correspondence on my blog as I have promised my regular visitors that I would keep up with all of these issues as they arise so that they can be as informed as I am.

I do thank you for your time.

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