Sunday, January 13, 2008

Unexplained Signal Stenght Problems with HDTV

I've been using a UHF/VHF antenna to receive all of my HD programming over the air for free for well over a year now.

I must admit I have been lucky that I can put my antenna (an indoor model) in one location on the table behind where my LCD HDTV sits and with very little exception, my signal strenght has been phenomenal. I only have a problem when I've been cleaning or something and moved the antenna's position by accident but have always been able to get it back to where all my available stations are coming in clear as a bell.

In the last few days, all of a sudden I have two channels, WCSH-DT 6 and WPXT-DT 51 that won't retain a consistent signal strength resulting in a very aggravating situation where I am standing there playing every so slightly with the antenna angle trying to get these channels to come in. And when I do, I have problems with all of the other channels I get. I was about ready to pull my hair out.

I was watching "Pearl Harbor" last night, which in HD is such an awesome movie. The special video affects and specialized background audio affects in surround sound (the built into my TV kind, not the whole separate speaker package) really make that movie an incredible viewing experience. However, with my signal problems, it sounded like a record with a skip in it or a CD with a scratch on it. The picture would pixelate and block out, and it was so annoying to watch I had to turn it off.

I thought about it for a while and then got down-right determined to figure out the problem; I had always been able to figure it out so I was pissed.

Shazam! I actually found what I did not think existed. A totally different angle/position for the UHF/VHF antenna and all of my signal issues went away. Some signals were stronger than others, but then they were always like that. But I was happy that I was able to get my "perfected" system up and running again.

So, just some advice. Have no fear. If you are using an antenna to get your HD, you will find the right location. Just keep working at it.

Keep in mind that sometimes, signals bounce off of things like walls. In my case the best location for my antenna happened to be pointing it right into a corner of my living room.

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