Friday, September 12, 2008

TNT-HD should be ashamed of themselves

"We know drama".  That is TNT's slogan.  Well, they may know drama but they certainly aren't up on their technology.

With the wide variety of HD programs available to them (as part of the Turner family of networks) they continue to show NON-HD programming in their lineup like "Charmed".  Did anyone ever watch that show when it was on the first time?  Along with that they show reruns of "Angel" and several movies as well which are not in HD

TNT-HD shoes the same programs as regular TNT.  TNT broadcasts the standard definition programs and TNT-HD broadcasts the same program but in HD.  That makes sense to me.  TNT has access to all of the one-hour-dramas like Law and Order, Cold Case, and Without a Trace in HD.  They have access to an untold number of movies in HD.  I can not for the life of me figure out why they continue to "sneak in" to the line-up these non-HD programs.  

It has already been proven that High Definition means High Ratings, which in turn means higher revenue.  So there is no reason I can think of why TNT-HD, which was specifically set up to broadcast HD programming, is not showing HD programming 100% of the time.

And they are not dealing with syndicated shows fed to them via satellite and then passed through to the viewers.  These are shows in their library.

If local broadcast television stations can figure out how to broadcast satellite feeds like Oprah and Ellen (which began producing their shows in HD just a week ago) in HD, you would think that TNT can figure out how to broadcast HD shows right out of their library.

My cable company does not offer any other HD networks other than TNT and TBS (same company) so I don't know what USA, A&E, or BRAVO are doing.  My cable company only shows the two I mentioned in HD plus a bunch of reality networks like ESPN, Discovery, and Food Network.  Those other network that I get have their problems as well and try to pass off standard definition programming as HD by stretching the picture and hoping we don't notice but that is another post.

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