Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Portland, ME, TV Stations need to get with the program

For the big networks who have affiliates around the country, there is Network Programming, and then syndicated programming.

Network Programming includes the morning shows (Today, GMA, The View) and syndicated programming includes shows like Oprah, Ellen, Dr. Phil, etc.

Local affiliates simply transmit high definition programming to its viewers by pass through a live network feed (like Today, GMA, The View).  For syndicated show like Oprah, Ellen, etc, they can either record the feed and play it back in HD at whatever time they are approved to show it, or transmit the show in standard definition at the appropriate time if they don't have the capability to records HD feeds for later playback.

So there is the big difference.  Some TV stations CAN record HD programming fed to them, and some can not.  

Right now, all of the big 3 Networks out of Boston can record HD programming and play it back when appropriate for them.  So you will see Oprah, Dr, Phil, Ellen, The Bonnie Hunt Show and even "The Insider" and "Entertainment Tonight" in high definition.  If you watched these same shows on our local Portland Maine television stations, you will NOT see any of them in high definition.  Oprah is on WCVB-Boston and on WGME-Portland, Maine, at 4:00 pm.  WCVB shows it in high definition and WGME does not because it can not record/playback high definition shows.

The local affiliates in Portland continue to use the excuse that they can't afford the equipment to record/playback high definition.  My opinion is how can they afford NOT to invest in the equipment.

Let's assume that you have and HDTV or you plan to get one.  About 25% of households have HD capabilities and in the next few years, it is save to assume that most American households will have HD capability.  So if you had the choice to watch the same program in High Definition or regular old standard definition, which would you watch.  If you have HD you know what I mean.  People who have HD are in love with HD.  You will be too if you haven't experienced it yet.

So the television stations have competition where I live.  We have access to TV based out of Portland, Maine, and out of Boston, Mass.  If we're all watching the Boston channels because they are all broadcasting in HD and all of the Portland stations are not, which ones do you thing will get the higher ratings which convert to advertising revenue.

And even more than than, I think the Portland Maine TV stations should be ashamed of themselves.  They have had years to prepare for the onslaught of digital and high definition TV but have done nothing about it.  Digital and HD television has been around now for almost 10 years.  You would think that somewhere in their annual budget they would have at least started to plan for this.  But no.  Do they think the public is dumb, or that we can't afford a High Def TV, or that we won't notice the difference between SD and HD.  I think the Portland affiliates have taken a lot for granted.  For almost 2 years now I have been petitioning them, encouraging them, sometimes even tried to bully them, but to no avail.

The Portland television stations just don't seem to care.  Even the network shows that they CAN transmit in HD don't actually make it to television sets in HD because the staff running the control room can't quite figure out how to flip the HD Switch (yes, it is that simple).  I call my local affiliates at least once a week to remind them that a particular TV show should be in HD but is not.  Then they go flip the switch and everything is OK.  But why do I have to call them.  I am just a regular old TV watcher not involved in the industry in any way, shape, or form.  I have now started calling the Boston affiliates as well because they make the same "forgot to flip the switch" mistake too.  I think it is deplorable that I have to call TV stations about this.

TV stations need to get on the ball.  You can forgive a mistake here or there but I am sick of calling TV stations.  And for Portland Maine TV stations, they really need to get their act together, make the investment to record and playback high definition shows or risk an incredible loss of viewers and revenue.  It's not that complicated.

We are at the dawn of a new age in television.  For those who did not take the change seriously, well you are going to be out of luck.  Like it or not, television makes the world go round.  It is the primary source of news for America, and the primary source of entertainment.  People can't afford to go out any more.  They are staying home and investing in quality home entertainment.

So come one folks.  Help me out.  Call the local affiliates in Portland or write to them from their web sites and demand high definition.  Again, if you have HD now, you know what I am talking about.  And if you don't, you will soon.

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