Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Metrocast Cable finally adds some HD channels

Welcome to 2007 - oh wait, it's 2011.

Metrocast Cable (formerly Metrocast Cablevision) is not one of the country's big players when it comes to cable TV. From the Metrocast web site: "Metrocast serves over 135 communities in the states of New Hampshire, Maine, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Connecticut, South Carolina, Mississippi and Alabama "

That's not a lot of customers when compared to the big guys like Tiime Warner and Comcast. I"ve been struggling with Metrocast for years; trying desperately to get them to add more HD channels to their pitiful HD lineup. When not including "reality" TV (meaning sports, nature, and educational channels) there was a total of 2, count 'em, two cable channels that carried movies and/or classic live action TV shows in High Definition. They were TBS-HD, and TNT-HD. Sure, they carried our local TV stations, but I"m talking about actual cable networks that broadcast actual TV shows - not DIY, not shows about interventions, or following murder investigations, or animal abuse. I'm talking about one-hour dramas and comedy shows. You know, we used to call it "television".

Every time I would contact Metrocast I would get an answer like "Well, we just added The Outdoor Channel". GREAT! I can sit around and watch some guy fish for 3 hours. I was told to submit an online request for the channels I wanted, which I did, over and over and over again.

I checked around with my friends in other towns, and in other states. The list of HD channels they had was astounding to me, on one hand. On the other, I wasn't astounded, I was pissed. Why couldn't Metrocast provide its customers with the same HD channels that the rest of the WORLD was getting. After 4 years of this, I assume they finally figured out how to provide HD channels that viewers actually want. This morning I saw an advertisement for Metrocast on MSNBC (which happnens to be a channel I've been requesting in HD since it started in HD last year). In one part of the ad, it mentioned that Metrocast had added USA in HD and FOX News in HD.

I quickly turned to the on screen guide. I frantically started looking for these channels - nothing. So I called Metrocast this morning and asked them about it. I told the CSR that I saw the advertisement but I don't have these channels. She said "they won't be available until March 1". Well, I had to admit, that was good enough for me. After waiting for years, I can wait one more week. As of March 1, 2011, Metrocast will be adding the following HD channels:

AMC HD (channel 755), USA HD (channel 751), Oxygen HD (channel 719), Fox News HD (channel 742), Lifetime HD (channel 733), Lifetime Movie Network HD (channel 772), SyFy HD (channel 756), Bravo HD (channel 754), FX HD (channel 749), and Travel HD (channel 770). Meanwhile, Outdoor Channel HD will move to channel 779.

It's not perfect. MSNBC-HD should be in the lineup. If you're going to include CNN and FOX News in HD, why not MSNBC. It makes no sense. And no Comedy Central. Apparently the owners of Metrocast are right wing conservatives, probably tea party activists. Not only did they omit MSNBC and Comedy Central (Jon Stewart) from the lineup, they also did not include any of the Gay/Lesbian TV channels like HERE! or LOGO.

Having said that, I can't complain too much. FX, USA, and Bravo were 3 of the HD channels that I had been begging for. And it's nice to know I can still watch southern white trash gut a fish in glorious HD if I happen to be in the mood.

Oh and congratulations to Metrocast for finally dragging itself into the FIRST decade of the new millennium. You're only a decade behind - not bad.


Mark Hayden said...

Thank you for the heads-up with this great news. I know you wrote that Metrocast serves many communities. Does that mean that March First, the HD will roll our of all their cities. Mainly, New London.

I was very avid about new channels, yet there is no Comedy Central, nor Cartoon Network. Though I am grateful for the new Channels, I think it is a gross oversight. If licensing fees are an issue, I'd even consider paying a fair price if added to the aging HD plus.

As I am in an apartment, I am unable to go SAT. I will be checking into U-Verse, when available.

I know people dis Comcast all the time, but I wish I lived one mile over the river to have Comcast's glorious Speed, and Variety. Overcharged for working service is better than being overcharged for low bandwidth.

Metrocast's customer service is excellent, and they are very nice. I want to like you Metrocast. Help me help you.

RSCME said...

Hi Mark - thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I had retired this blog about two weeks ago because there was so little news. But this awoke it once again.

Unfortunately, from what could gather the Metrocast web site, the new HD channels only affects the New Hampshire/Maine service area (Rochester/Belmont, NH & Sanford, ME). I also am upset that Comedy Central was not included as I stated in my post - and MSNBC.

And it's the same here. I could move one town over and get Time Warner Cable where they have every damned HD channel imaginable. It's a crime as far as I am concerned.

As for Metrocast customer service?? The CSR's that answer the main line are serious under-educated when it comes to HD in general. They also ONLY know how to read from their book of "what to do when a customer reports this problem". It's always the same trouble shooting steps that have no affect, then they schedule a technician to come to your house. The problem (if they listened to me) is NOT in my house. Invariably, within a few hours or at minimum by the next day, the problem (which was a technical issue on their end) is fixed. They don't cancel the technician's visit. A few days later my doorbell rings and the technician has wasted a trip because everything is working. It's happened to me at least 10 times if not more. And this is all after I try to explain to the CSR what the issue is and that's it's not on my end.

I"m in an apartment too and can't get satellite. While technically, they landlord can not prevent you from putting one in, my apartment is not in a spot where I can get a clear shot to the satellite.

I am waiting for the day when reliable HD can be delivered over Internet. They have it now to some degree but it's expensive and still in its infancy. For me, now is not the time to go down that road.

I couldn't tell from your post what town you are in. But if you are in the right area, I hope you enjoy the new channels.

Thanks again - take care.

Unknown said...

I’ve gone through a similar situation with my old cable company back before I was a subscriber (and then later and employee) of DISH Network. So just to let you know, DISH is available nation wide and has a vast selection of HD channels, along with the lowest all-digital price. Add in the fact that they’re also offering the HD free for life promotion for new and existing customers alike and it’s an economical way to improve your home entertainment experience.

Scott said...

More news from Bangor...

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that providers are adding more HD channels because it increases competition and every HD channel added brings us one step closer to having all channels available in HD. As a DISH employee, I know that DISH offers more HD channels than any other provider and is the company with the lowest prices with HD Free for Life.

RSCME said...

I owe "randomblogname82" a HUGE apology. I don't know how the comment you left sat there for so long going unnoticed. I just found it today and it is dated back in July 2011. Please accept my sincerest apologies. It was an oversight and not done in any way on purpose.